Monday, March 12, 2012

Pubblicazioni e Recensioni

BREVETTO di invenzione industriale (PATENT)

Calypso 12' - The preview: Dismontable boat

 Lenght: 3,71 m 
 Width:1,50 m
 Height:0,55 m
 Weight:65 kg (30+35 kg)
 Capacity:4 people

Premiered at the Venice International Boat Show will be the prototype of the dismountable boat by the young Venetian architect Nicola Scopelliti. The ship, named Calypso 12 ' is by definition of the same creator, a "an Ikea boat", navigation in fact may be sailing, rowing and using motor boats.

The boat characteristics can be summarized as follows:
- Compactness
- Lightness
- Portability
- Resistance
- Economy

The project is based on three basic principles:
- Separate
- Fit
- Joining
The project was registered as a patent for industrial invention and the author is looking for some sponsors who believe in Calypso: "If pro-ject means possession of the past and projection into the future, then Calypso is the future, it is projected towards a new way of enjoy the sea ... "

Multiuso per navigazione a vela, remi e motore...

“Se pro-gettare significa impossessarsi del passato e proiettarlo verso il futuro, allora Calypso è futuro, è proiezione verso un nuovo modo di vivere il mare…” 
Nicola Scopelliti